Photovoltaic/Energy Storage Nucleus Fire/Water/Wind Power Power Correspond Procure Aerospace Petroleum Build Rail Transit Mechanical Equipment Advanced Equipment
Photovoltaic/Energy Storage

Nuclear power

Nuclear energy (also known as atomic energy) refers to the energy released from atomic nuclei through nuclear reactions. Nuclear energy can be released through one of three nuclear reactions: 1. Nuclear fission, where heavier atomic nuclei split to release nuclear energy. 2. Nuclear fusion involves the aggregation of lighter atomic nuclei to release nuclear energy. 3. Nuclear decay refers to the release of energy during the spontaneous decay of atomic nuclei. Nuclear energy is one of the most promising future energy sources for humanity. There are two ways for people to develop nuclear energy: one is the fission of heavy elements, such as uranium; The second is the fusion of light elements such as deuterium, tritium, lithium, etc. The fission technology of heavy elements has been practically applied; And light element fusion technology is also actively being researched.



Photovoltaic, also known as photovoltaic power generation system, is a type of power generation system that utilizes the photovoltaic effect of semiconductor materials to convert solar radiation energy into electrical energy. The energy source of photovoltaic power generation system comes from inexhaustible solar energy, which is a clean, safe and renewable energy source. The process of photovoltaic power generation does not pollute the environment and does not damage the ecology.

Photovoltaic power generation systems are divided into independent photovoltaic systems and grid connected photovoltaic systems. The photovoltaic power generation system is composed of solar cell arrays, battery packs, charge and discharge controllers, inverters, AC distribution cabinets, solar tracking control systems, and other equipment.

Energy storage

Energy storage refers to the process of storing energy through a medium or device and releasing it when needed. Energy storage is also a term in petroleum reservoirs, representing the ability of the reservoir to store oil and gas.

The research and development of new and renewable energy, seeking advanced methods to improve energy utilization efficiency, has become a top global concern. For China, a major energy producing and consuming country, there is a need for energy conservation and emission reduction, as well as a need for energy growth to support economic development, which requires vigorous development of the energy storage industry.

Fire/Water/Wind Power

Thermal power

Utilize the heat energy generated by the combustion of solid and liquid fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas to convert it into kinetic energy for the production of electrical energy. Thermal power includes coal-fired power generation, oil fired power generation, gas-fired power generation, waste heat, residual pressure, and residual gas power generation, waste incineration power generation, and biomass power generation.


Hydropower is a term belonging to water conservancy technology, which means water and electricity, hydroelectric power generation, etc. Hydroelectric power is a clean energy source that is renewable, pollution-free, and has low operating costs. It is convenient for power peak regulation and helps to improve resource utilization and overall economic and social benefits. In the increasingly tense situation of traditional energy on Earth, countries around the world generally prioritize the development of hydropower and vigorously utilize hydropower resources. China ranks first in the world in terms of both the proven reserves of hydropower resources and the potential development of hydropower resources.

Offshore wind power

Offshore wind farm refers to offshore wind power with a depth of about 10 meters. Compared with onshore wind farms, the advantages of offshore wind farms are mainly that they do not occupy land resources, are basically not affected by terrain and landforms, have higher wind speeds, richer wind energy resources, larger single unit capacity of wind turbines (3-5 megawatts), and higher annual utilization hours. However, the technical difficulty of constructing offshore wind farms is also relatively high, and the construction cost is generally 2-3 times that of onshore wind farms. As a key area of renewable energy development in China, offshore wind power will enter a new development period during the 14th Five Year Plan period. Multiple regions have successively introduced plans, and the scale of offshore wind power is expected to significantly increase during the 14th Five Year Plan period.

Offshore wind power has the characteristics of abundant resources, high power generation utilization hours, no land occupation, and suitability for large-scale development, making it the latest frontier of global wind power development.



Electricity is an energy source that uses electrical energy as its driving force. Discovered in the 1870s, the discovery and application of electricity sparked the second wave of industrialization. Becoming one of the three technological revolutions that have occurred in human history since the 18th century, technology has changed people's lives ever since. The large-scale power system that emerged in the 20th century is one of the most important achievements in the history of human engineering science. It is a power production and consumption system composed of power generation, transmission, transformation, distribution, and consumption. It converts primary energy from nature into electricity through mechanical energy devices, and then supplies the electricity to various users through transmission, transformation, and distribution.



Communication refers to the exchange and transmission of information between people or between people and nature through a certain behavior or medium. Broadly speaking, it refers to the accurate and secure transmission of information from one party to another by two or more parties who need it, using any method or medium without violating their respective wishes


Political procurement

Government procurement refers to the behavior of governments at all levels, under the supervision of finance, purchasing goods, projects, and services from domestic and foreign markets for government departments or affiliated groups through open bidding, fair competition, and direct payment to suppliers through legal means, methods, and procedures, in order to carry out daily government activities or provide services to the public. Its essence is the organic combination of market competition mechanism and fiscal expenditure management, and its main feature is the legal management of government procurement behavior. Government procurement mainly involves bidding procurement, limited competitive procurement, and competitive negotiation.



Aviation refers to the navigation activities of manned or unmanned aircraft in the Earth's atmosphere; Aerospace refers to the navigation activities of manned or unmanned spacecraft outside the Earth's atmosphere, also known as space flight or space travel. In order to expand social production, humans must inevitably explore new spaces for activities. From land to the ocean, from the ocean to the atmosphere, and then to space, it is a process of gradually expanding the range of human activities.

Aerospace is a product of human expansion of the atmosphere and space. After more than a hundred years of rapid development, aerospace has become one of the most active and influential scientific and technological fields in the 21st century. The significant achievements in this field mark the latest development of human civilization and also represent the advanced level of a country's science and technology.


Petrochemical industry

It is an important component of the chemical industry and plays a significant role in the development of the national economy. It is one of the pillar industries in China. Petrochemical industry refers to the processing industry that uses petroleum and natural gas as raw materials to produce petroleum products and petrochemical products. Petroleum products, also known as oil products, mainly include various fuel oils (gasoline, kerosene, diesel, etc.) and lubricating oils, as well as liquefied petroleum gas, petroleum coke, paraffin, asphalt, etc. The process of producing these products is often referred to as petroleum refining, abbreviated as oil refining. Petrochemical products are obtained by further chemical processing of raw oil provided by the refining process. The first step in producing petrochemical products is to crack the raw materials oil and gas (such as propane, gasoline, diesel, etc.) to produce basic chemical raw materials represented by ethylene, propylene, butadiene, benzene, toluene, and xylene. The second step is to produce various organic chemical raw materials (about 200 types) and synthetic materials (plastics, synthetic fibers, synthetic rubber) using basic chemical raw materials. The production of these two products falls within the scope of petrochemicals. Further processing of organic chemical raw materials can produce a wider variety of chemical products, which are not traditionally within the scope of petrochemicals. In some sources, the synthesis of ammonia, urea, and even nitric acid from natural gas, light gasoline, and heavy oil is also included in the petrochemical industry.


Construction work

Construction engineering refers to the planning, surveying, design, construction, completion, and other technical work carried out for the construction, renovation, or expansion of buildings and ancillary facilities, as well as the installation of supporting lines, pipelines, and equipment. It also refers to the construction of various houses and buildings, also known as the construction workload. This part of the investment amount must be realized through construction activities and materials.

Rail Transit

Rail transit

Broadly speaking, rail transit refers to various road transportation vehicles composed of trains, railways, stations, and dispatch systems (including dispatch equipment and personnel), including all traditional railway systems and new rail systems. The main body of general rail transit is traditional railways, including high-speed railways.

Narrowly defined, rail transit generally refers to urban rail transit, namely intercity rail transit and urban rail transit, such as the Pearl River Delta intercity rapid rail transit, Dongguan rail transit, etc. Generally speaking, rail transit is more commonly used to refer to various short and medium distance passenger railway systems newly built in economically developed areas.

Mechanical Equipment

Steel and mechanical equipment

The steel industry is mainly engaged in industrial production activities such as mining and processing of black metal minerals and black metal smelting and processing. It includes sub industries such as mineral mining and processing of metal iron, chromium, manganese, iron smelting, steelmaking, steel processing industry, ferroalloy smelting, steel wire and its products, etc. It is one of the important raw material industries in the country. In addition, as steel production also involves non-metallic mineral mining and other industrial categories such as coking, refractory materials, carbon products, etc., these industrial categories are usually included in the scope of the steel industry.

Advanced Equipment

Advanced equipment

Advanced equipment manufacturing industry refers to the high-tech equipment manufacturing industry that is a key focus of development in China's equipment manufacturing industry. In the 1998 Central Economic Work Conference, it was explicitly stated that "we must vigorously develop the equipment manufacturing industry". Equipment manufacturing is the general term for industries that provide production technology and equipment for simple and expanded reproduction of the national economy, namely "machine manufacturing industry for production machinery". The equipment manufacturing industry, also known as the equipment industry, is a general term for industries that manufacture various technological equipment to meet the development needs of various sectors of the national economy and national security. It is also the core part of industry and undertakes the heavy responsibility of providing working machines for various sectors of the national economy and driving the development of related industries. It can be said that it is the heart of industry and the lifeline of the national economy, and an important cornerstone supporting the comprehensive national strength of the country.

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